Our Training Courses are designed for individuals working in the disability industry who want to be equipped with the latest insights, knowledge, and learnings to provide the best practice service to our communities.
Trauma Informed Practice
Able2 Clinical Practise Lead, Emma Donlevy, has presented Trauma Informed Practice training several times over the past 3 years. Emma has considerable experience in the industry and in particular in trauma informed practise and disability. This training provides the attendee with an understanding of trauma informed practice and how to apply these principles in their organisations and work.
The following topics are covered:
- Becoming Trauma Aware
- Types of traumas
- Complex trauma
- Trauma and the brain
- Practical strategies for regulation and safety
- Self-care and vicarious trauma
Attachment and Connection
- What does it mean to be safe?
- Attachment and trauma
- Reflective practice and trauma work
- The importance of relationships